Gidion’s Knot
A gripping drama unfolds during a parent-teacher conference as a grieving mother and a conflicted teacher confront each other. Painful truths about a young boy's life and death emerge, leading to a powerful climax.
About the Cast:
Suzanne Di Donna, a New York native, is a distinguished Theatre, Film, and TV actor with credits including The Sopranos, Magic City, Law & Order, and Law & Order SVU. She teaches at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute and is a lifetime member of The Actors Studio.
Kirsten Russell started as a stage actress in Miami, studied at the California Institute of the Arts, and now works in NYC. Her credits include stage roles and TV/film appearances in Virgil Bliss and Law & Order. She’s also a filmmaker, having produced Rabbit Stories and Zero/One. Currently, she’s involved with Confessions of a Homeless-Coming Queen and The Tannery and directs the "Virtuosi" acting workshops from Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
About the Director:
Rich Pecci, from Queens, NY, is known for his role as Mark Wiener in Life During Wartime, which earned a Gotham Award nomination. His film credits include Beer League and Fighting, and TV roles in Law & Order, The Tick, and Dead Ringers. His Off-Broadway work includes Glengarry Glen Ross and The Audience.
Join us for the first annual Circle Theater Festival — a celebration of raw, unfiltered theater in the heart of NYC.
1hr 30min. Incl. No intermission.
Ages 16+.
September 7th, 2024
November 2nd, 2024
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