Johnny Rivera, Miles Peña, and Giro Lopez Tickets
Bronx, NY

Johnny Rivera, Miles Peña, and Giro Lopez Tickets

Johnny Rivera, Miles Peña, and Giro Lopez: What to expect - 1
Johnny Rivera, Miles Peña, and Giro Lopez Tickets

About Johnny Rivera, Miles Peña, and Giro Lopez

This fall experience the incredible Johnny Rivera directly from Puerto Rico live in concert at the Lehman Center! Performing alongside will be the incredible Miles Peña and the very talented Giro directly from Puerto Rico.

The event will be hosted by JJ Star with Music direction by Bobby Allende!

Start date

October 19th, 2024


Events, Off Broadway


Lehman Center for the Performing Arts-CUNY

250 Bedford Park Boulevard West, Bronx, NY, United States, 10468
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Tickets for this event will be on sale at a later date. Check back soon.

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